Wednesday, September 11, 2013

New item releases

People have often discussed on the WallaBee forums how quickly new items are bought or foraged. So when thinking about what else might be interesting to graph I have been playing around with the following. The graph below is for the new item released today, the 100c Coin, for the new set The Arcade. (I was hoping for the name Ready Player One, and shout out to jabbott for recognizing the book reference.) This shows how many items were bought on the first three drops in the Stores (the first drop was in the Retrobee store, and the next two were in the WallaStore).

This shows the first item being gifted to Colin at 11 Sep 2013 19:23:19 GMT. Then 4 minutes 27 second later it hit the store. In the first drop 92 of the items were bought in 1 minute 15 seconds. Second drop was 7 minutes and 17 seconds later (yes, it seemed like forever :), and then 102 items were bought in 1 minute and 40 seconds. The third drop was 6 minutes and 8 seconds later and 87 items were bought in 2 minutes 15 seconds.

So there were 3 drops in the store in under 20 minutes and almost 300 items were bought. Looks like items are going pretty fast these days...

Hopefully soon I'll be putting up some graphs that will show how quickly new items are foraged, as well as looking at how quickly items were bought and foraged in the early days. :)

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